Step right into my carrd informatory for the Nest Network

You head to the next page of the carrd and are greeted by a vibrant fae Hello, I'm Amaranta, the caretaker of clan Mysti. Here is some info we would like to give to you anout your dragons staying here.

Anything I need to know/you want me to know?
I am FRT+1 and I'm in school Monday-Friday, but that most likely wont stop me from getting on FR.

I am of the Arcane flight and I will change eventually. I plan on going to every flight atleast once in my FR career.

Tips are appreciated, but not needed.

I would like you to get your dragons 6-7 days after they hatch. That being said, they will most likely hatch promptly.

I'm a very talkative bean about breeding, I like knowing tips and tricks or just what the overall outcome is supposed to be so I can possibly help more. Maybe expect a DM giving you the estimated hatch date and a question as to what the pair is for. This will definitely happen for the hatch date.

Earlier you said that you would like me to get my dragons within 6-7 days within the nest hatching. What happens if I don't?

Well, we will keep the dragons. The babies will most likely be donated to exalt rescues for them to adopt out, and the parents will be kept and moved to another section of the clan until you contact about them, then we can talk about it then. If you do not want this happening, give prior notice if you know that you wont be here for the hatchdate pplus the 6-7 days after.

Why would you do that?
Well, we keep the parents so you can always have the chance of getting the hatchlings again but we do have hatchlings from our own clan coming in, others dragons visiting ours, or dragons that stopped by to train up to go serve the Arcanist. We will need room at one point.

Would you ever send my dragons off to the Arcanist in the event I exceeded the 7 days?
No. As said above, if we do not have room the babies will most likely be given to an exalt rescue to adopt out, or an adoption agency. The parents will be kept.